2956 records
records ordered by
COI00072101 - CUCURBITACEAE Gerrardanthus paniculatus (Mast.) Cogn.

[...]s a capsule with leaves; There is a determination label from "Conspectus Florae Angolensis";
Collectors Gossweiler, John #10206
Collection Date 06-1935
Locality Name Africa AF; Angola AO; Cuanza Norte AO05;Estação[...]
COI00072100 - CUCURBITACEAE Gerrardanthus paniculatus (Mast.) Cogn.

[...] a capsule with flowers; There is a determination label from "Conspectus Florae Angolensis";
Collectors Gossweiler, John #10206
Collection Date 06-1935
Locality Name Africa AF; Angola AO; Cuanza Norte AO05;Estação[...]
COI00006539 - COMBRETACEAE Quisqualis falcata Welw. ex Hiern

[...] Gonçalves There is a label with the following information: "Conspectus Florae Angolensis" by "Garcia 1961".;
Collectors Gossweiler, John #10207
Collection Date 06-1935
Locality Name Africa AF; Angola AO; Cuanza Norte AO05;Estação[...]
COI00071311 - SAPINDACEAE Allophylus welwitschii Gilg

[...]e Ascensão There is a label with the following information: "Conspectus Florae Angolensis" by "A. W. Exell & F. A. Mendonça" on 19[...]
Collectors Gossweiler, John #10209
Collection Date 10-04-1935
Locality Name Africa AF; Angola AO; Cuanza Norte AO05;Cazengo; [...]
COI00071312 - SAPINDACEAE Allophylus welwitschii Gilg

[...]e Ascensão There is a label with the following information: "Conspectus Florae Angolensis" by "A. W. Exell & F. A. Mendonça" on 19[...]
Collectors Gossweiler, John #10209
Collection Date 10-04-1935
Locality Name Africa AF; Angola AO; Cuanza Norte AO05;Cazengo; [...]
COI00006576 - COMBRETACEAE Combretum paniculatum Vent.

[...] Gonçalves There is a label with the following information: "Conspectus Florae Angolensis" by "Garcia 1961". ;
Collectors Gossweiler, John #10217
Collection Date 03-1935
Locality Name Africa AF; Angola AO; Cuanza Norte AO05;Estação[...]
COI00006577 - COMBRETACEAE Combretum paniculatum Vent.

[...] Gonçalves There is a label with the following information: "Conspectus Florae Angolensis" by "Garcia 1961".;
Collectors Gossweiler, John #10217
Collection Date 03-1935
Locality Name Africa AF; Angola AO; Cuanza Norte AO05;Estação[...]
COI00006719 - ASTERACEAE Pleiotaxis rugosa O.Hoffm.

[...]e Ascensão There is a label with the following information: "Conspectus Florae Angolensis" by "HW 1971"; FOL. I (FOL. II Barcode: 6[...]
Collectors Gossweiler, John #10218
Collection Date 05-1935
Locality Name Africa AF; Angola AO; Cuanza Norte AO05;Morro de [...]
COI00006720 - ASTERACEAE Pleiotaxis rugosa O.Hoffm.

[...]th flowers; There is a label with the following information: "Conspectus Florae Angolensis" by "HW 1971"; FOL. II (FOL. I Barcode: 6[...]
Collectors Gossweiler, John #10218
Collection Date 05-1935
Locality Name Africa AF; Angola AO; Cuanza Norte AO05;Morro de [...]
COI00003784 - FABACEAE Droogmansia angolensis Torre

[...]e; Caconda (Londugo); Huíla; Africa AF Angola AO; 1670 m; FABACEAE Droogmansia angolensis Torre;
Collectors Teixeira, Joaquim Martinho Lopes de Brito #1022
Collection Date 09-1956
Locality Name Africa AF; Angola AO;Caconda (Londugo); Huíla