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Herbarium of the University of Coimbra, Portugal (COI), COI00006509

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COMBRETACEAE Terminalia gossweileri Exell & J.G.Garcia, Bol. Soc. Brot. sér. 2, 36: 95 (1962) ISOTYPE
García, José GonçalvesWikidata logo 1961
COMBRETACEAE Terminalia gossweileri Exell & J.G.Garcia


COI Number COI00006509
COI Collection African Collection
Phenology fruiting
Specimen Descripition (Original) Shrub like of 8m. height; trunk erect head large laxly branched; fl. greenish white.
Cult. provenance
Ex-Herb./Given By
Remarks There is a capsule with fruits;
There is a label with the following information: "Conspectus Florae Angolensis" by "Garcia 1961".


Collectors Gossweiler, JohnWikidata logo
Field Number 14036
Collection Date 04-06-1948
Locality & Habitat notes Stepps of shrubs and savannah of Hyparrhenia familiaris
Regio, (Sector fitocorológico de Nordeste de Lunda. Circunscrição de Chitato)
Loco, Dundo
Proximum Flumen, Luachimo
Geography Africa AF
Angola AO
Lunda Norte AO17
Locality Name Dundo
Elevation 700 m