2956 records
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COI00094118 - SELAGINELLACEAE Selaginella myosurus (Sw.) Alston

[...]) Alston; Reed, Clyde F. s.det. There is a label of "Seen for Conspectus Florae Angolensis".;
Collectors Gossweiler, John #8257
Collection Date
Locality Name Africa AF; Angola AO; Cabinda AO03;Cai, Hombe, ar[...]
COI00000536 - FABACEAE Haematoxylum campechianum L.

[...]s another label with the following information: "Revisto para Conspectus Florae Angolensis" by "A.R. Torre on 1953". There is a caps[...]
Collectors Gossweiler, John #8258
Collection Date 12-1915
Locality Name Africa AF; Angola AO; Cabinda AO03;Landana; Praia[...]
COI00006494 - COMBRETACEAE Conocarpus erectus L.

[...]and fruits. There is a label with the following information: "Conspectus Florae Angolensis" by "Garcia 1961".;
Collectors Gossweiler, John #8266
Collection Date 13-06-1919
Locality Name Africa AF; Angola AO; Cabinda AO03;Atlântico de [...]
COI00075055 - ANACARDIACEAE Lannea angolensis R.Fernandes & Mendes
[...]a, estrada de Moçamedes; Africa AF Angola AO Namibe AO13; ANACARDIACEAE Lannea angolensis R.Fernandes & Mendes Isotype; Mendes, Edu[...]
Collectors Torre, Antonio Rocha da #8292
Collection Date 23-12-1955
Locality Name Africa AF; Angola AO; Namibe AO13;Km. 25 de Vila [...]
COI00070556 - MOLLUGINACEAE Hypertelis salsoloides (Burch.) Adamson var. mossamedensis (Welw. ex Hiern) Gonç.

[...]or de Sousa There is a label with the following information: "Conspectus Florae Angolensis" by "MLGonçalves 1964".;
Collectors Gossweiler, John #83
Collection Date 11-1900
Locality Name Africa AF; Angola AO; Namibe AO13;Entre os rios G[...]
COI00005506 - CUCURBITACEAE Cucumis sagittatus Wawra & Peyr.
[...]ibe AO13; CUCURBITACEAE Cucumis sagittatus Wawra & Peyr.; CUCURBITACEAE Cucumis angolensis Hook.f. ex Cogn. Isotype; CUCURBITACEAE C[...]
Collectors Welwitsch, Friedrich #831
Collection Date 1859
Locality Name Africa AF; Angola AO; Namibe AO13;Charneca de Boc[...]
COI00001693 - FABACEAE Pericopsis angolensis (Baker) Meeuwen

[...]s argilosos; Chicungo; Huíla; Africa AF Angola AO; 1700 m; FABACEAE Pericopsis angolensis (Baker) Meeuwen;
Collectors Teixeira, Joaquim Martinho Lopes de Brito; Andrade, Abel Marques de #8380
Collection Date 13-10-1962
Locality Name Africa AF; Angola AO;Chicungo; Huíla
COI00068322 - BURSERACEAE Commiphora cf. angolensis Engl.

[...], Cacuaco; Cacuaco; Africa AF Angola AO Luanda AO20; BURSERACEAE Commiphora cf. angolensis Engl.; There is a capsule with fruits; T[...]
Collectors Gossweiler, John #8400
Collection Date 28-03-1932
Locality Name Africa AF; Angola AO; Luanda AO20;Cacuaco
COI00004202 - FABACEAE Sylitra angolensis Baker

[...]ocua, rio Cunene, pr. Pedras Negras; Africa AF Angola AO; 0 m; FABACEAE Sylitra angolensis Baker;
Collectors Torre, Antonio Rocha da #8468
Collection Date 18-01-1956
Locality Name Africa AF; Angola AO;Oncocua, rio Cunene, pr. Ped[...]
COI00006423 - ERYTHROXYLACEAE Erythroxylum emarginatum Thonn.

[...]923"; There is another label with the following information: "Conspectus Florae Angolensis" by "A. W. Exell & F. A. Mendonça".;
Collectors Gossweiler, John #8513?
Collection Date 31-12-1921
Locality Name Africa AF; Angola AO; Zaire AO16;Sazaire