2956 records
records ordered by
COI00070512 - CHRYSOBALANACEAE Parinari capensis Harv.

[...]and fruits; There is a label with the following information: "Conspectus Florae Angolensis" by "EJMendes X 1958"; There is an annota[...]
Collectors Gossweiler, John #(5861?)
Collection Date 1912
Locality Name Africa AF; Angola AO; Cuanza Norte AO05;Dalatando[...]
COI00033760 - ASTERACEAE Crassocephalum sarcobasis (Bojer ex DC.) S.Moore

[...]o Rocha da s.det. s.det. There is a determination label from "Conspectus Florae Angolensis"; There is a Handwritten label: "Os espec[...]
Collectors Gossweiler, John #10000
Collection Date 01-1933
Locality Name Africa AF; Angola AO; Cuanza Sul;Capir, Amboim
COI00033699 - COMBRETACEAE Combretum angolense Welw. ex M.A.Lawson

[...] José Gonçalves s.det. There is a determination label from "Conspectus Florae Angolensis";
Collectors Gossweiler, John #10000
Collection Date 07-1935
Locality Name Africa AF; Angola AO; Cuanza Norte AO05;Cazengo, [...]
COI00000457 - FABACEAE Albizia gummifera x zygia

[...]nio Rocha da s.det. s.det. There is determination label from "Conspectus Florae Angolensis".;
Collectors Gossweiler, John #10007
Collection Date 20-01-1933
Locality Name Africa AF; Angola AO; Cuanza Sul;Capir - Amboim
COI00070243 - RUBIACEAE Otomeria lanceolata Hiern

[...]AO Cuanza Sul; 1000 m; RUBIACEAE Otomeria lanceolata Hiern; RUBIACEAE Otiophora angolensis R.D.Good; Figueiredo, Estrela There is a [...]
Collectors Gossweiler, John #10018
Collection Date 02-05-1933
Locality Name Africa AF; Angola AO; Cuanza Sul;Morro de Capir, [...]
COI00003905 - FABACEAE Dalbergia gilletii De Wild.

[...]a do Dr. L. W. CARRISSO"; There is a determination label of: "Conspectus Florae Angolensis" by "E. P. Sousa".;
Collectors Exell, Arthur Wallis; Mendonça, Francisco de Ascensão #1002
Collection Date 23-04-1937
Locality Name Africa AF; Angola AO; Lunda Sul AO18;Vila Henriqu[...]
COI00004210 - FABACEAE Pseudarthria cf. hookeri Wight & Arn.

[...]s another label with the following information: "Revisto para Conspectus Florae Angolensis" by "A.R. Torre on 2/1960".;
Collectors Gossweiler, John #10020
Collection Date 02-05-1933
Locality Name Africa AF; Angola AO; Cuanza Sul;Amboim; Capir
COI00095048 - ASPLENIACEAE Asplenium sandersonii Hook.

[...]ere is a determination label with the following information: "Conspectus Florae Angolensis" by E.A.C.L.E. Schelpe; The whole specime[...]
Collectors Gossweiler, John #10023
Collection Date 02-05-1933
Locality Name Africa AF; Angola AO; Cuanza Sul;Capir, Amboim
COI00070223 - RUBIACEAE Hymenodictyon floribundum (Hochst. & Steud.) B.L.Rob.

[...]ith fruits; There is a label with the following information: "Conspectus Florae Angolensis" by "Garcia 1960".;
Collectors Gossweiler, John #10026
Collection Date 05-02-1933
Locality Name Africa AF; Angola AO; Cuanza Norte AO05;Capir, Am[...]
COI00095057 - ASPLENIACEAE Asplenium dregeanum Kunze

[...]ere is a determination label with the following information: "Conspectus Florae Angolensis" by E.A.C.L.E. Schelpe;
Collectors Gossweiler, John #10031
Collection Date 23-01-1933
Locality Name Africa AF; Angola AO; Cuanza Sul;Capir, Amboim