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Herbarium of the University of Coimbra, Portugal (COI), COI00092290

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POLYGALACEAE Carpolobia gossweileri (Exell) E.M.A.Petit
Bruijn, J. de 1990


COI Number COI00092290
COI Collection African Collection
Phenology fruiting
Specimen Descripition (Original) Tree, 15m high; Trunk 30cm in diameter, bark smooth, grey; Leaves light green, paler beneath; Fruits globose, 1cm in diameter, orange
Cult. provenance
Ex-Herb./Given By
Remarks There is a label of "Ex Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Wageningen University Branch (WAG)";
There is a capsule with leaves and one fruit


Collectors de Kruif, A. P. M.
Field Number 1057
Collection Date 07-01-1983
Locality & Habitat notes High forest
Geography Africa AF
Cameroon CM
South Region CM14
Locality Name Nye'ete, 20 km S of km 18 road Kribi-Akom II
Elevation 25 m