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Herbarium of the University of Coimbra, Portugal (COI), COI00077267

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ROSACEAE Rubus pallidus Weihe & Nees ex Bluff & Fingerh ssp. hirsutus (Wirtg.) Sud. var. pseudoerubescens Sud. LECTOTYPE
Sales, FátimaORCID logo; Moreira, Ana Quitéria
ROSACEAE Rubus pallidus Weihe & Nees ex Bluff & Fingerh ssp. hirsutus (Wirtg.) Sud. var. pseudoerubescens Sud.
Sudre, Henri L. LWikidata logo 1906


COI Number COI00077267
COI Collection General Herbarium
Phenology flowering
Specimen Descripition (Original) Fleurs blanches.
Cult. provenance
Ex-Herb./Given By
Remarks Heading of the label: H. Sudre - BATOTHECA EUROPEAE - Fasc. IV.1906.;

Also the on the label:
"Sect. IV - Appendiculati Gen.
Gr. b - Vestiti Focke.".;
"Rubus pallidus W. [Weihe & Nees ex Bluff & Fingerh.] (Voir étiq. du nº 178).
sbsp. R. hirsutus Wirtg. [(Wirtg.) Sud.] Prodr. Fl. Rheinl. 413 (1841); Focke, Syn. p. 297.
Var. pseudo-erubescens; R. erubescens Focke ap. Asch. et Gr. Syn. VI, p. 585, p.p.".;

Protologue of Rubus pallidus Weihe & Nees ex Bluff & Fingerh. hirsutus (Wirtg.) Sud. var. pseudoerubescens Sud. in Bat. Eur. 4: 58 (1906).;

There is a capsule with leaves.;

Colleting time: 12-25/vii/1905.;


Collectors Gravet, Pierre J
Field Number 179
Collection Date 12-07-1905
Locality & Habitat notes Haies.
Geography Europe EU
Belgium BE
Walloon Region BEWAL
Locality Name Louette-St-Pierre
Elevation 375 m